A lot of things have happened to the robot over the Winter Internship. Since our last competition, we have encountered many design ideas. Over the week we have focused our efforts on 3 different aspects of the robot: Programming, Designing, and Constructing.
Clean up of the photo with new claw
On the programming side of the robot, a huge cleanup has occurred since the robot began to twitch and freeze in our last competition. By cleaning the robot's programming the way that the cortex processes information will be different. In addition to the main code, the Programming Team was able to code for the potentiometer which measures the angular position of the shaft that goes through it. This allows us to compensate for the arm falling down as well as programming for specific arm height. Finally, the programming team will finish off with programming the autonomous section of the robot as well as removing further problems in the code.
Mapping of the controller
Design Team has been able to further our designs by changing the robot on either Autodesk Inventor or SolidWorks. Changes are being done on the arm, base, and claw. The arm has a new gear system that will provide more torque and compensate for the arm weight as well as the claws. The base is being changed to be lighter as well as to save our limited number of parts. Finally, the claw is still being worked on as there are many ideas on how it is going to move.
Working on future designs. Drafting designs in SolidWorks and Inventor
(SolidWorks Render of Arm)
The Mechanical Team has been giving out ideas left and right. For the arm they were able to build many different designs according to the design teams plans. Their first idea, however, was to fix the claw with a gear system in a minimal style to compensate for weight and parts. Their main focus now is the integration of rubber bands to create tension for the lifting mechanism and a pneumatic system for the claw.
Arm creation and testing
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