Today, we worked with the Arduino shield wireless SD. Since we're missing a piece for the shield, we have decided to work with an SD card that we borrowed. We had to format the micro SD as it needed to be in fat32 format to work with the Arduino. Thankfully gparted on linux makes that an easy process. After getting that working and figuring out we had a loose usb cable we got the a basic program working. We're getting the correct wireless adapter to work with our shield, an xbee model made by Digikey which should get us going without cables.
We also got a little demo of what the balloon project folks are working on in preparation for their upcoming launch. Particularly their tracking system composed of two SPOT GPS devices and a GPS transmitter working on the APRS frequency 144.39 MHz. The SPOT's can be tracked via web while the APRS transmitter can be located by ground stations located around the country as well as a receiver in a chase car. A lot of neat things happening on the left side of the table that we can learn much from.
We also got a little demo of what the balloon project folks are working on in preparation for their upcoming launch. Particularly their tracking system composed of two SPOT GPS devices and a GPS transmitter working on the APRS frequency 144.39 MHz. The SPOT's can be tracked via web while the APRS transmitter can be located by ground stations located around the country as well as a receiver in a chase car. A lot of neat things happening on the left side of the table that we can learn much from.
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