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Showing posts from February, 2016

February 22. 2016

Today, the prototype launcher got remade after the informative trip on Friday. We're using different wheels, modified the gears, and adjusted the metal parts. Another prototype launcher was made. I t give s off a crossbow feel, which is very neat. This one seems better than the previous. The crossbow is light a nd requires less parts.

February 16, 2016

On February 12, a small group went to the VEX robotics competition  at Vaughn College in Queens, NY. It was a very informative trip. We gathered many ideas from the robots that were participating in this competition, received a robot inspection checklist that wi ll help us on what we can and cannot do, and met people that were open to help us. The matches were short, but interesting to observe. There were a lot of creativity among the robot s t hat inspired us on what we can apply to our robot. We're glad that we were able to spectate this competition! It was a good experience for us.

February 9, 2016

Take a look at the progress we've made on our first robot. We have the basics down, including the drivetrain, ball collector, the feeder to get the balls up to the launcher, and are moving forward from here. We're waiting for more parts that have yet to arrive, but we've used what we could to build a prototype launcher. We cannot exactly experiment on the actual robot yet because we are not at the point of cutting parts (which would be needed to mount it), but the un-attached launcher did well on its own, able to launch the balls reliably, although not at as high a velocity as we would like. Currently, we're using balls that are more stiff than the actual competition balls, but with a similar size to keep our dimensions close what they'll need to be. It's possible that it'll deliver different results with the actual balls, but we'll only know when everything we need will arrive. Also, it has been confirmed that we'll be able to spectate the ...
Update for 2016 Much has happened since our last blog post in August. We have a number of new faces on the team, a Vex robot that is getting closer and closer to throwing balls into a net, and lots of ambitious goals we're working towards. The primary being an aim to participate in a Vex Nothing But Net competition this summer for which we will need to complete our current robot, build another, practice using them with a mock field, and then move on wards towards victory! Or just completing a competition with the robots intact. Stop back sometime to see the current group working on Vex, 3D Printing, RobotC, and lots of other fun stuff. Stop by on Monday mornings (10-12) and Wednesday (12-3) to see roboticists in the wild and hear about what we're up to in person. Live long and prosper inquisitive visitor, hope to see you back in this corner of the web! Cheers! BCC Robotics Team